Thursday, March 17, 2011

Me Rocking My New Haircut.

This week has been quite a boring and tasking one for me, lots of works to finish; pending articles yet to be submitted to various publications,re-writes and updates from the fashion week, official deadlines, meetings, being on medication, family ceremonies which all seem to be coming at the wrong time and lastly a weird feeling of loneliness. It however became so intense on me today, so in a bid to survive my present situation - boredom and a bit of depression, I decided to take some pictures of myself by myself.

I have a new look (perhaps you didn't know), I now wear a punk haircut just because....So, after 30minutes straight of mind wandering I took my camera and started taking pictures of myself..pardon my silliness(well, that's if you agree with my colleagues)

Enjoy and drop your comments.

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