Monday, March 14, 2011

My New Favourites Things

I love lots of things; accessories, books, music et al and these days as I'm fond of I've found myself so attached to some pieces.

I want to carry them every day because they simply match anything. but ofcourse no, i cannot.


Well, like my friend Eniola would say: "hey sweets, please not those shoes again" or pleease not those shawl again.

So here, I share some things I'm loving at the moment.

I love colours. I often change colours around me, from my bedroom, nail polish, accessories etc. I just love this pink nail polish.

My sweet, charming red Prada purse.

'Black Chiffon' album by Yinka Davies is my latest favourite album. Yinka Davies is a wonderful singer and a great performer.

My coffee cup, my coffee cup...oh, oh my coffee cup. That's all.

These pair of wristwatches were given to me by a dear friend of mine...I love them.

My all purpose boots, really helped during the Arise fashion Week. As comfortable as I expected.

I am really loving this bag presently; the size, colour(that simply goes with any outfit) and the compatibility..'cutie'I call it.

This oakley dark-grey sunglasses is my next pal, it goes every where with me. I never was a sunglasses person but recently the heat of the sun has taught me take protection.

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